Full-stack Engineering (web) - Learning Roadmap
Hello, my friend!
Advanced JavaScript
Higher-order functions、source code analysis for Underscore、event loop、asynchronous programming、design patterns
Computer Networking
Communication protocols、Network Requests、Axios source code analysis、cyber security、module lazy-loading、routing traffic
Higher-order component design、Composition API RFC、VUE3.0、vue2.0 source code analysis
Resuable component design、source code analysis for React Fiber、TypeScript、state management、performance optimisation
Node.s techniques、source code analysis for koa.js、middlewares、performance monitoring、microservices
Software Engineering Standard Practices
Git、scripting、unit testing、e2e testing、continuous integration、deployment、decoupling front-end and back-end、mult-repo source control、packet analyser、network address translater、remote fine-tuning、server-x
Wechat Mini Apps (advanced)
Advanced techniques for building Wechat mini apps
Data structures and algorithms
DSA and approaches to solving these problems
Real-life Projects
Production-grade, real-world applications